May 4, 2016
As I approach my very first Mother’s day, I can’t help but think of the lessons and things I’ve learned over the past year. I feel that motherhood grows you in ways that nothing else can. It creates a deeper bond & respect for your mom. I cannot believe that my mom had four kids in five years! She is superwoman, and I love her so much. While I’ve always been a momma’s girl, looking back at what all she did with us, I am so thankful for my mom. She dedicated her life to nurturing, caring, and providing for us.
I can look back and think of moments upon moments that my mom made me feel special. When I was younger, there was a time when I was incredibly sick with all sorts of things and was hospitalized. I remember that she brought little things for me to play with. I remember very specifically that she made me feel like a queen because she went down to the gift shop and bought a pack of Doublemint gum to chew. That very same year she would give my beloved “Skippy” stuffed dog to me when the rest of my siblings were sleeping and I was up for medicine.I remember that she would come home from work in the wee hours of the morning, and while she should have sent me back to bed when I snuck out to give her a hug, she wrapped me up in a blanket and rocked me. She would take us to the park to have picnics and feed the ducks. She would take the time to put my hair up into foam curlers even though she knew it was almost guaranteed to straighten out by the time church had ended. I remember watching her put on her makeup and blow dry her hair and her teasing me by blowing the warm air on my face. She didn’t just tell us to go out and play in the yard, it was quite often that she would play a game of football with us, throw a baseball, or rake leaves and make forts.
She let us be kids and she took the time to make each of us special!
Now that I am a mother, I see the other half of the story. I honestly don’t know how she did it. She worked and worked hard. At various points during my childhood, she was VERY sick. She had times that were extraordinarily challenging and stressful, and yet she continued to mother in the best way she knew how. I guess all of this is to say: Happy Mother’s day who taught me the most important lesson about being a mother: To be present & in the moment. I’ll be lucky if I turn out to be half the mother that you are. Love you!
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Easton is a very "lucky" boy!
This is beautiful just like your mom. She is truly a wonderful woman and you are as well. Happy Mother’s Day Rachel and Janice!
Thanks Rachel! Her life is an outpouring of her love for Christ and we all get blessed by it. She’s a jewel of a Godly woman; a wonderful heritage for you. Happy First Mother’s Day<3